The Ohio Electronics Textbook (v.001)
This textbook is a work in progress. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, feel free to submit them to the email list.
- Table of Contents
- 1: About
- 2: Introduction
- 3: DC
- 1: Chapter 1: Matter, Energy, and Electricity
- 2: Chapter 2: Test Equipment (DC Mode)
- 1: Circuit Measurement
- 2: Analog Meters in DC Mode
- 3: Basic Meter Movements
- 1: Compass and Conducting Wire
- 2: Permanent-Magnet Moving-Coil Movement
- 3: Compass and Alternating Current
- 4: Damping
- 5: Indicating Alternating Current
- 6: Other Meter Movements
- 7: Electrodynamic Meter Movement
- 8: Moving-Vane Meter Movements
- 9: Hot-Wire and Thermocouple Meter Movements
- 10: Ammeters
- 11: Ammeter Connected in Series
- 12: Effect on Circuit Being Measured
- 13: Ammeter Sensitivity
- 14: Ammeter Ranges
- 15: Ammeter Safety Precautions
- 16: Voltmeters
- 17: Voltmeters Connected in Parallel
- 18: Loading Effect
- 19: Making a Voltmeter From a Current Sensitive Meter Movement
- 20: Sensitivity of Voltmeters
- 21: Ranges
- 22: Electrostatic Meter Movement
- 23: Voltmeter Safety Precautions
- 24: Ohmmeters
- 25: Using the Ohmmeter
- 26: Ohmmeter Ranges
- 27: Shunt Ohmmeter
- 28: Ohmmeter Safety Precautions
- 29: Multimeter
- 30: Multimeter Controls
- 31: Multimeter Scales
- 32: Parallax Error
- 33: Multimeter Safety Precautions
- 4: Analog Multimeters in DC Mode
- 5: Oscilloscopes in DC Mode
- 3: Chapter 3: Batteries
- 4: Chapter 4: Switches
- 5: Chapter 5: Ohm’s Law and DC Power
- 6: Chapter 6: Series DC Circuits
- 7: Chapter 7: Parallel DC Circuits
- 8: Chapter 8: Series-Parallel DC Circuits
- 9: Chapter 9: Basic DC Circuit Analysis
- 1: What is Network Analysis?
- 2: Branch Current Method
- 3: Mesh Current Methods
- 4: Node Voltage Method
- 5: Introduction to Network Theorems
- 6: Δ-Y and Y-Δ Conversions
- 7: Bibliography
- 10: Chapter 10: Magnetism and Electromagnetism
- 11: Chapter 11: Inductors Under DC Conditions
- 1: Inductance
- 2: Characteristics of Inductance
- 1: Electromotive Force (EMF)
- 2: Self-Inductance
- 3: Unit of Inductance
- 4: Growth and Decay of Current in an LR Series Circuit
- 5: Power Loss in an Inductor
- 6: Mutual Inductance
- 7: Factors Affecting Mutual Inductance
- 8: Series Inductors Without Magnetic Coupling
- 9: Series Inductors With Magnetic Coupling
- 10: Parallel Inductors Without Coupling
- 3: Electromechanical Relays Under DC Conditions
- 12: Chapter 12: Capacitors Under DC Conditions
- 4: AC
- 1: Chapter 13: AC Sine Wave Fundamentals
- 2: Chapter 14: Test Equipment (AC Mode)
- 3: Chapter 15: Complex Numbers and Phasors
- 4: Chapter 16: Response of Resistors, Inductors, and Capacitors to Sine Waves
- 5: Chapter 17: Series AC Circuits
- 6: Chapter 18: Parallel AC Circuits
- 7: Chapter 19: Series-Parallel AC Circuits
- 8: Chapter 20: Basic AC Circuit Analysis
- 9: Chapter 21: AC Power
- 10: Chapter 22: Resonance
- 11: Chapter 23: Passive Filters
- 12: Chapter 24: Pulse Response of RL and RC Circuits
- 13: Chapter 25: Polyphase AC Circuits
- 14: Chapter 26: Transformers
- 1: Transformers
- 2: Basic Operation of a Transformer
- 3: The Components of a Transformer
- 4: Schematic Symbols for Transformers
- 5: How a Transformer Works
- 1: Producing a Counter Emf
- 2: Inducing a Voltage in the Secondary
- 3: Primary and Secondary Phase Relationship
- 4: Coefficient of Coupling
- 5: Turns and Voltage Ratios
- 6: Effect of a Load
- 7: Mutual Flux
- 8: Turns and Current Ratios
- 9: Power Relationship Between Primary and Secondary Windings
- 10: Transformer Losses
- 11: Transformer Efficiency
- 12: Transformer Ratings
- 6: Types and Applications of Transformers
- 7: Safety
- 5: Electronics
- 1: Chapter 27: Semiconductor Theory and Diodes
- 1: Semiconductor Theory
- 2: Semiconductor Diode
- 1: Construction
- 2: Pn Junction Operation
- 3: Diode Characteristics
- 4: Diode Identification
- 5: Zener Diodes
- 6: Light-Emitting Diodes
- 7: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Care
- 8: Semiconductor Substitution Testing Method
- 9: Diode Maintenance
- 10: Testing Diodes
- 11: Diode Testing
- 12: Diode Testers
- 13: Diode Characteristic Graphical Display
- 14: Static Resistance Measurements
- 2: Chapter 28: Diode Circuits
- 3: Chapter 29: Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT)
- 4: Chapter 30: BJT Amplifiers
- 1: The Basic Transistor Amplifier
- 2: Introduction
- 3: Classification of Amplifiers
- 4: Transistor Amplifiers
- 5: Chapter 31: Audio and Radio Frequency Amplifiers
- 6: Chapter 32: Field Effect Transistors (FET)
- 7: Chapter 33: FET Amplifiers
- 8: Chapter 34: Operational Amplifiers
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Differential Amplifiers
- 1: Basic Differential Amplifier Circuit
- 2: The Two-Input, Single-Output, Difference Amplifier
- 3: Typical Differential Amplifier Circuit
- 4: Single-Input, Single-Output, Differential Amplifier
- 5: Single-Input, Differential-Output, Differential Amplifier
- 6: Differential-Input, Differential-Output, Differential Amplifier
- 3: Operational Amplifiers
- 9: Chapter 35: Active Filters
- 10: Chapter 36: Oscillators
- 11: Chapter 37: Filtered and Regulated Power Supplies
- 12: Chapter 38: Miscellaneous Semiconductor Devices
- 1: Chapter 27: Semiconductor Theory and Diodes
- 6: Digital
- 1: Chapter 39: Numeration Systems
- 1: Numbers and Symbols
- 2: Systems of Numeration
- 3: Decimal Versus Binary Numeration
- 4: Decimal and Binary Numerals
- 5: The Number Of Patterns That Can Be Formed By N Bits
- 6: Hexadecimal Numerals
- 7: Octal and Hexadecimal Numeration
- 8: Octal and Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
- 9: Conversion From Decimal Numeration
- 2: Chapter 40: Binary Arithmetic
- 3: Chapter 41: Logic Gates
- 4: Chapter 42: Boolean Algebra
- 5: Chapter 43: Karnaugh Mapping
- 1: Introduction
- 2: Venn Diagrams and Sets
- 3: Boolean Relationships on Venn Diagrams
- 4: Making a Venn Diagram Look Like a Karnaugh Map
- 5: Karnaugh Maps, Truth Tables, and Boolean Expressions
- 6: Logic Simplification With Karnaugh Maps
- 7: Larger 4-Variable Karnaugh Maps
- 8: Minterm vs Maxterm Solution
- 9: Σ (sum) and Π (Product) Notation
- 10: Don’t Care Cells in the Karnaugh Map
- 11: Larger 5 & 6-Variable Karnaugh Maps
- 6: Chapter 44: Combinational Logic Functions
- 7: Chapter 45: Multivibrators
- 8: Chapter 46: Counters
- 9: Chapter 47: Shift Registers
- 10: Chapter 48: Programmable Logic (TODO)
- 11: Chapter 49: Digital-Analog Conversion
- 12: Chapter 50: Digital Communication
- 13: Chapter 51: Digital Storage (Memory)
- 14: Chapter 52: Principles of Digital Computing
- 1: Chapter 39: Numeration Systems